Back to School

Wow!  I can't believe it's time for school to start back!  It cost a lot of money to buy everything they need to get going.  When we were growing up, we got a new pair of shoes, mama made us three new dresses, and we got three pair of underwear and socks.  We got notebook paper, one binder, and pencils.  The school supplied you with hard back books that were used every year.  We sometimes had to buy a spelling workbook, but most books were supplied by the school.

When my kids were going to school, I bought them three pair of pants, three shirts, a new pack of socks and undies.  Most of the books were still issued and we only had a few workbooks.  Of course there were notebooks, paper and pencils to buy.  Now days I don't see how parents do it!  Clothes, workbooks, fees for almost every class, and if they participate in sports then there is all that gear to buy.  You almost have to take out a loan just to send your kids to public school!! 

Good luck getting yours back in school, let's all say a prayer for each other and for our kids and grandkids.  Life is hard but it is even harder if you don't have an education.


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