Simple Things

What happened to the simple things in life?  In today's fast paced world lots of us have forgotten the things that matter most.  Life isn't about owning the biggest house or the fanciest car, or all the biggest and best electronics.  It's about family!!  I believe in God, and I believe that he created us to love and take care of our family, one man and one woman taking care of and loving their family and teaching them to love and have faith in God.  We have allowed stuff and people who do not believe in God to destroy our homes, and take God out of our homes, our schools, and slowly removing him from our Country. 

What happened to the family picnic? What happened to if Joe's barn burns, we all help him build a new one?  What happened to if Jack is sick we all go together and help take care of his family?  What happened to having at least one meal a day at the table with the whole family?  These are the things that made this country great and what made us the people and nation that we are.    Have dinner with your family and look at them and talk to each other and find out what kind of day they had.  Tell them you love them!!!  Let's bring back the family unit and wrap them in God's love!!


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