Stubborn Car!

My grandson's car has been running great, so he and I decided to go to the mall today to look for some things.  No problems going, but coming home was a problem!!  When we came out of the mall, it started right up and then we stopped to get us a soda.  My grandson went inside and I sat in the car with it idling.  It sounded like it was running out of gas even though it had over a half a tank., then it died!!  The stubborn little thing wouldn't start back up for over an hour.  Then when we got back home my son had my grandson take the throttle body off so he could get to one of the sensors.  Even though my grandson kinda knew how to take it off he got himself all worked into a tizzy over how to get it done.  I came close to throwing a wrench at him and sending him in the house just like I used to do my son when he would start that junk when we were working on a car, but I didn't.  He had a bolt that wanted to be a pain and my son showed him an easier way to get it out.  My son then cleaned the throttle body and sensor, by then my daughter-in-law said dinner was ready.  We came inside and ate and then my grandson went out and had it put back together in less than twenty minutes. 

I told them I didn't think I had the patience to get my grandson through the teenage years of learning how to work on his own car.  He's a real lucky kid!  He has his uncle who has adopted him and my son's best friend to guide him in all the right directions.  By the time he graduates from high school not only will he be able to fix a car but he will be able to do paint and body work as well, not to mention he is learning a lot about photography from helping my son.


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