The town in which I live was once known as the sock capital of the world. That is until all the Free Trade Agreements sent our companies running overseas and to Central America where the labor and real estate are cheaper. If there was another world war we no longer have the factories here to convert to defense building plants. We no longer make things! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that our economy is dieing because we no longer produce anything. The fewer people in the work force paying taxes only creates a drain on our country. We have got to find a way to bring jobs back to the states, that's the only way to bring our economy and standard of living back. I can remember when there was 125 sock mills in this town. If you lost you needed a job you had no problem finding one. Now there are only 5 left and it has had a devastating effect on the town and it's dwindling population. One by one more and more businesses are closing and work is getting harder and harder to find. We have got to find a way to bring our jobs back state side or there will be more and more towns like mine that was once the home to something.
In today's world everything is much more complex than it was when our parents were growing up. When I was growing up we never heard my mom and dad argue. Now some of the things I here young couples say to each other makes my head spin. When I was growing up things were much simpler. Daddy went out and earned our living and Mama stayed home and took care of everything else as well as working in our field or a neighbor. Now it takes both the husband and wife working just to make ends meet. My Dad said having a good marriage was like hooking two mules to a plow. If they work together you can plow all day and get a lot done and your fields look great. But if one is pulling in one way and the other one pulling in the other direction you can't get anything done. Same with relationships, it you don't share the same goals or the same plan for getting to that goal you will never get to that goal. True love has these three qualities, faith, trust, and lov...
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