Anti Bullying
I know that every school and every class has a bully. It's has been that way forever! The times that we live in are what makes it different. I can remember when I was in school, I was picked on at first because I was a cry baby. No one physically hurt me, it did not scar me for life and as I matured those same kids became my friends. Then we moved from the country to the city when I was in the seventh grade. The first nine weeks the kids were really mean to me because I had a strong country accent and my Mom made all my clothes and I still wore pig-tails. I only had one altercation over it. A boy kept pulling my hair and I raised my hand and told the teacher if he did it again I was going to hit him. He pulled my hair again and I hit him hard! He is still one of my best friends.
Bully's pick on kids they see as weaker, and it is our job as parents and grandparents to teach our children that picking on someone weaker than you does not make you a better person. I blame all of this on the breakdown of the family unit and the removal of God from our homes and our schools. We no longer teach principals at home or at school. They no longer sit in church on Sunday morning and play ball with neighborhood kids in the afternoon. Ask a bully when was the last time they went to church or if they can tell you what the Ten Commandments are. They may not be able to tell you that but I bet they can tell you every move in Grand Theft Auto.
Bully's pick on kids they see as weaker, and it is our job as parents and grandparents to teach our children that picking on someone weaker than you does not make you a better person. I blame all of this on the breakdown of the family unit and the removal of God from our homes and our schools. We no longer teach principals at home or at school. They no longer sit in church on Sunday morning and play ball with neighborhood kids in the afternoon. Ask a bully when was the last time they went to church or if they can tell you what the Ten Commandments are. They may not be able to tell you that but I bet they can tell you every move in Grand Theft Auto.
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