Comic Book
It's hard for me to believe that I have been out of school for forty years!!! I was comparing the things that kids do now as opposed to when I was in school and we are light years apart. One of the things that some of my friends and I did was created our own comic book. We each had a role and we would create scenarios and play them out. One of the guys was a great artist! We used our minds! Kids today have no imaginations. They don't strive to make things better or invent things. Everything is handed to them ready made. Even Grandam's famous Sunday morning biscuits come form a can or the freezer. It's amazing how things have changed. I haven't given getting older much thought. I am in good health and can do just about anything I set out to do, but the other day I was filling out some forms, and realized that I have known my best friend for over FIFTY, yes I said 50 years!!! Time flies when you are enjoying life.
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