Shifting Gears

As I was driving down the road today I was reminded of my Dad teaching me to drive.  I learned to drive in a 1957 Ford Fairlane, three on the tree.  Just in case you don't know what that means, it was a three speed on the column.  My Dad said if I would learn to drive a manual shift, that I could drive anything I wanted to.  He was right!  I taught all my children to drive a stick shift.  Although I thought my daughter would kill us before she got the hang of it.  She had this bad habit of looking down at the shifter and pulling the steering wheel to the left, into traffic!!  Oh Yeah, we had some scary moments!!  It was worth it, all three of them can get in any kind of vehicle and go.  My Dad was a very special man, and I was certainly my Daddy's girl.  I miss him a lot, he would be so proud of my oldest son.  Those two were thicker than thieves before my Dad passed away.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a blessed day.


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