
Can you remember being a teenager?  I can remember most of my teenage years.  Times sure have changed!  Today's generation has no concept of what it is to work for the things they need or better yet for the things they want.  All they have to do is ask a parent or have a temper fit until the adult who is supposedly in charge give in.  If kids still had to work in the field, milk cows, feed chicken and do "real" chores they might appreciate the things they have.  They believe that they have a right to a good home, plenty of food to eat, and getting to go to the doctor when they are sick.  These things are not rights, they are privileges!  I think anyone who quits school should have to spend the next two years in the peace corp in a country other than the United States.  It wouldn't even hurt to make every person who graduates from high school serve one year in another country.  It would let them know that the whole world is not like us.  I worked in the field growing up and my mom made my kids work in the garden.  My son didn't have a garden this year, but I bet we do next year!  These kids don't get to lay around like other kids and that's the way we are going to keep it.  We are building strong work ethics and laying the ground work for the future of this country.  I hope that you are doing the same. 


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