Well Water

When I was growing up, we didn't have indoor plumbing until I was thirteen.  That was shortly after my Dad hurt his back and we had to move to the city.  My brother got my Dad a job as the janitor at the plant where he worked. 

I can remember drawing water for the house and for the animals.  Think about that!  How would you like to draw water out of an old fashion well just to have a drink of water?  You had to hand draw water for everything!  On wash day everyone had to pitch in and draw water.  I used to go see one of our neighbors just to get a drink of water from her well.  It was the coldest and the best tasting water I can ever remember drinking. 

Pop said, that one time his granddad told him that he would see a time when water would be more important than oil.  I think that he was right.  I can see a time in our future where that may be.  We can only keep the streams, rivers and lakes of this country from being polluted.  We cannot force other countries to care about their environment.  Enjoy the outdoors but always leave it cleaner than it was when you got there. 


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