Cornbread, No Biscuits

I love cornbread!  My son rather have biscuits.  My Mom had him spoiled!!  Anytime we had cornbread she also made a pan of biscuits just for him.  A friend of ours gave us a huge bag of beans, that look kinda like pinto beans.  So I cooked some for dinner tonight.  I also made a pan of sweet cornbread.  My son said now if Granny had cooked those, there would be a pan of biscuits for me!  I told him he had the wrong kind of flour for me or his Granny to make biscuits.  She always used White Lily Self Rising Flour and that is also my favorite cooking flour.  We all got a good laugh.    My son and I talk a lot about my Mom.  We were the ones who were around the most so the bond between the three of us was very special.  Neither of us would be the people we are today if it were not for her.

Mom, even tho you are up in heaven we love you so!  You are missed and thought of each and every day.   


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