Picking up Limbs

The rain not only helped with the earths need to replenish it's water supply, but it brought with it the wind.  We had lots of small limbs down and it cleaned a lot of pine needles from the trees.  We have spent the last few days between work, school, and regular chores picking up all that Mother Nature left behind.  Yesterday my grandson was cleaning off the top of my son's photography studio when his girlfriend and best friend showed up out of the blue.  One of the girls Dad had seen him up there and told the girls to go help him.  He wouldn't let them on the roof with him but, he did let them ride with him in an old blue work truck to haul of the straw and sticks.  While he was working the girls now included my 8 year old granddaughter.  So as they were watching D work the three of them were doing cheerleader stunts.  Making memories to last a lifetime!!!  Have you made any good memories lately?


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