The Pet

Contributed by Maria Ruiz

My husband and I have been talking about getting a dog but to be honest I don’t really know what we’re going to do with it all day. We own our own consulting business and it’s going to be tricky enough getting him in the office with us without the health board noticing but I think we can manage since we were able to sneak the DirectTV businesses satellite dish by them!

I really just want a fuzzy friend to have around to chase things and snuggle with me when my husband’s out of town and I know he really wants something to go running with him. I think the biggest fight we have is over what kind of dog to get but I think if that’s our biggest problem then we’re doing just fine. I love my husband to death but sometimes I just wish he was a little more accommodating to my needs but hey, I guess that’s part of the deal when you get married!


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