Time Management

Wow!  I have got to get myself on some sort of time management program.  Working third shift is hard to get used to.  I have worked third before when I was younger and didn't have a problem with getting things done. Now, however is a different story!!  I work, I sleep and can't seem to accomplish anything else.

It's not that I have a lot do, it's just that I want to do my share to help keep things up here at the house.  My son doesn't charge me any rent, and he doesn't ask me to buy groceries so I feel I need to help him in other ways.  I love to work in the yard, so I need to alot myself some time for that, and I feel like if Anna cooks then I need to clean the kitchen.  It's just some little things that will help them out and make me feel like I'm doing something to make things easier for them. 

Another thing, is that I love to write on my blogs and I have got to make time for that.  Sometimes when I sit down to write I get so tired I fall asleep with the computer in my lap and wake up hours later without writing a thing.  That bothers me, so I have made myself a promise to manage my time better so that I can do the things I like and want to do.

Have a blessed day!


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