Christmas Trees

Seeing all the Christmas trees and decorations brings back a stream of memories.  One of those memories centers around the first Christmas the kids and I had after I divorced.  My oldest son was only 10 at the time.  We didn't have much money so we just had to make do.  Let's start with the Christmas tree.

We lived on six acres of land that was primarily wooded, so we set out to find the perfect tree.  We passed up the short ones, the ones we thought were to tall or to thin.  Then we found what my son thought was the perfect tree,  I thought it looked a little to tall, but it was the one that went to the house.  When we carried it inside it was way to tall!!!  I didn't think about using the tape measure to cut it the right size when we took it back outside and my son said he was sure he could cut it right.  Several tries later we finally got it right!  We laughed a lot!  The decorations were all homemade that year, except for the ones that Mama gave me. 

We made a paper chain from construction paper, and popcorn chains.  Mama gave me some of her decorations that she and daddy got when that first got married. I still have three of those ornaments.  My intentions are to one day give each one of my children one of ornaments.  I'm just not ready to part with them just yet.

I hope you make some memories with the ones you love.


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