Chicken and Gravy

It's approaching the time of year when chickens start to lay eggs.  (Oh for those of you who don't know, farm chickens don't usually lay eggs in the winter time.)  I can remember my mom starting to save the eggs so that we could get several hatching in before cold weather.  She would save at least 12 eggs and the first old hen that started staying on the nest all day got the eggs.  The hen would sit on the nest (the natural incubator) for 21 day and then their would be baby chicks hatch out.  There is nothing cuter than a mama hen and her babies!  Then when those babies get just the right size we would kill and eat most of the little roosters.

You might think that sounds mean if you don't know where chicken nuggets come from!  It was a big deal for us and the process of going out with my dad and picking out the one that was just right was a memory that I'll always have.  We would size each one up til we picked the best one, then mama would make fried chicken, gravy and biscuits for breakfast.  If I close my eyes and think about it hard enough I can smell it cooking.  


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