D's Truck

I thought I would give you an update on my grandson's truck.  The truck was running when my son traded for it, but it was leaking oil from the rear main really bad, so they were going to replace it.  My youngest son bought the rear seal and came to help my grandson put it in.  Well when they got it apart they discovered that the bearings were worn really bad.  So the boys decided it would be best to pull the motor out and go ahead and rebuild it.

I am really proud of D' because he has done most of the work so far on his own.  It is giving him a chance to learn about things that will help him all through life.  Thing like leverage, if you run across something way to tight for a ratchet, grab your pull bar or a pipe.  Little things that apply to fixing up an old truck and life.  Learning how to walk away for a few minutes when you can't get something to work right, instead of tearing it up.

I'll keep you posted and maybe I'll figure out how to get the pic's from my phone on here.  Have a blessed day.


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