Due Credit

I have always said you have to give credit where credit is due.  That even applies to Pop!  Although we didn't see eye to eye on a lot of issues we still shared a lot of good times and learned things from each other.  He taught me about taking care of my money and drilled the case for keeping your overhead low.

We both loved flowers and I grew up just planting them where I wanted to and he taught me the importance of reading to see where they would grow the best.  This spring I have put that knowledge to work to help my son create a more colorful landscape at the studio and here at the house.

I have even been able to teach my grandson about how to help the water drain off the yard better and how to rock around the tile that runs under the driveway.  So even though Pop and I parted on harsh terms, you have to give every one their due credit when it's due.  So Pop I know that you, and your friends read my blogs, so thanks for all the things you taught me over the years.


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