Field Trip

Thanks for the post, Bernard Vasquez

I have taught second grade for six years and every year I take my students to the zoo in the spring for a field trip. It usually ends up being the highlight of the year. I have lots of parent volunteers who come as chaperones because it is not very easy to keep 22 second graders in my sight at all times. Each child brings a lunch that day and we have a picnic under the trees by the gorilla exhibit.

 I always wait until early May to take them because by then most of the rain storms are long gone, but this year we decided to take the trip in March because it has gotten hot really early in the year thus far. I started to get worried early in the week last week when someone told me it was going to rain on Friday, which was the day of our trip to the zoo. Thank goodness I had DIRECTTV so I could watch the Weather Channel to find out that it was not going to rain on Friday. We went and had a great time, as we do every year.


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