
It was like yesterday that I was watching as a toddler of two was walking a very special puppy/cub.  You see my youngest son had just brought home a wolf/husky mix and we were so creative with her name, we decided to call her Cubby.  My son went out of state to work and she stayed with us so my grandson who was there a lot helped us take care of her.  Then when I remarried, I moved and Cubby went to live with my oldest son.  Then when my grandson's mom settled down in Tennessee, she had a big fenced back yard and Cubby went to live with them.  When my grandson moved here to my oldest son's two years ago Cubby came home with him.

She shared a lot of hard times and good times with my grandson.  She hadn't been doing to well lately.  She has always gone through spells of not eating or hiding her food.  This time it was different.  We noticed she wasn't eating the scraps that Dustin was taking her and that she was losing a lot of weight. Both James and I started buying her canned food and both the boys and I paid closed attention to her eating.  She seemed to be doing much better until last Sunday and something about her just didn't seem right.  Her beautiful blue eyes had lost their brilliance.  I told the boys I didn't think she was going to make it that old age had taken it's tole.  She was 14 in people years.  We tried to make her as comfortable as we could and Dustin got her to drink some gator aide and late Monday night I was able to get her to eat a small can of tuna by hand feeding her.  Dustin stayed outside with her as late as he could.  He got up early Tuesday so he could check on her before he went to school.  He ask me if I would go with him and of course I did.  I felt so sorry for him when he found her, I think I have cried more than anyone, not just over the loss of a loved pet, but because I know the deep loss it was for my grandson.

They buried her in a special place on a small bank that runs down the side yard.  She will be surrounded by flowers and Dustin covered her grave in rocks so that her remains would be safe.


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