Red Jelly

Today is Mother's Day, which made me reflect on some of my favorite memories of my Mom.  I miss her so much, even though it has been six years since her death it seems like only yesterday we were sitting at the kitchen table  at our house talking and watching the birds. 

Several years ago my oldest son had three business of his own.  One of which was a twenty-four hour gym.  I used to go over and work out a couple of days a week. I would always call my Mom before I started home to see if she wanted me to pick up anything, and on this particular day she requested that I bring home some of that rice stuff with the red jelly.  You see next to that gym was a great little Chinese Restaurant.  One of our favorites was Chicken Fried Rice, with sweet and sour sauce.  The serving size on the to go order was always so large that I would eat some while I was at the gym and then Mama and I would finish it off when I got home, and by the time I got home the sauce would be more like jelly. 

Reflect on you love and memories for you my call many women Mom you truly have only one.  Sometimes it"s not the woman who gave you birth, but the woman who gave you love and guidance as you grew up.


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