Mirror, Mirror

on the wall I am my Mother after all!!  Have you ever said something to your children and immediately go, no I didn't just say that.  Oh my, I sound just like my Mom!!!!  I have, on countless occasions repeated exactly what she said to me years ago.

I laugh at the kids, because sometimes they sound just like me!!  My youngest called the other day and said, "Mama, I'm sorry for the way I acted growing up. I should have listen more and just please forgive me".  He said he thought that if he apologized for all the grief he gave me that things would get better for him.  It seems that my Mom had told him he would get back ten fold the grief he gave me and he doesn't want things to get that bad.  He does have his hands full with situations that I never encountered, and all I can do is pray for the Lord to guide him in the decisions that he makes.


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