Picking Blackberries

Mamma, I'm not sure that they are worth the trouble!  Sure they are, you'll be the first one to open that jar of jelly.  Yeah I know, but I'm itching all over, and I'll be picking briars for weeks.  Ahh, you know you can't wait for this cobbler to get done so quit whining!

As the girls and I were picking blackberries yesterday all those conversations between me and Mamma came flooding back.  My daughter-in-law and her friend are from the Philippines and they don't have blackberries there.  My daughter-in-law has eaten my cobbler before but her friend had not.  So they helped get enough yesterday to make one.  It was good but it had to much juice.  Humm, have to cut down on the water.  They picked more today and they are going to try to get enough to make at least one batch of jelly.  My son has a great berry patch behind the studio and some of the berries are as big as your thumb.  My Mom would have loved to have picked them here.


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