Last Berries

I went out this morning and picked the last blackberries for the season.  I wanted enough to share with a friend and put a couple of quarts in the freezer.  I can remember Mama canning them so that she could make what she called a cold weather surprise.  We all loved her blackberry cobbler and trust me having it in January was a real treat!!

The weather here has been very hot and dry over the last few weeks which reduced the berries in size, and now to top that off the Japanese Beetles have found them.  Most of the big ripe berries had beetles attached to them.  So I decided that it was time to say that I've gotten enough, and let nature take it's course.  Berries are after all, one of  God's ways to furnish all his creatures with food.  I have watched several different species of birds go in and out of the berry batch, and have been scolded by a few for being to close to their nest.  I feel truly blessed to live out in the country and to be able to watch nature up close.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.  Have a blessed day!


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