Picking Blueberries

As I stood there picking blueberries all I could think about was the memories that were flooding my mind.  I thought about the time that I spent the night with Faye to go to the fair and the next day her dad fired up the grill and we cooked hot dogs.  He used to call me Tiny, and told me big surprises came in small packages.  If he could only see me know!!  I am a far cry from being that tiny girl who aggravated him all those years ago.  I thought about Tweety-Bird the canary that they had, and the hours that we sat in Faye's room  listening to music and just talking girl stuff.

Good friends are hard to come by and I'm so glad she's mine.  Faye is really more like a sister than a friend.  She and I have shared a lot of good times and hard times.  Her Mom is not in good health so if you are reading this please put my friend and her mom in your prayers.  Thanks for stopping by!  God Bless each and everyone of you. 


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