Quit Whining

I wish people would just quit whining!!!  Yes this country and all it's inhabitants are in for some rough times.  Yes we all need to get prepared for them.  However, no matter how bad it gets, no matter what hardships we face, we are still blessed to live in the United Stated of America.

My parents lived through the depression and I don't mean having to downgrade your cell phone, or get a smaller car or sell your dream house or your vacation home.  I mean no phone, no running water, no inside plumbing,  no car, and the choice of food was very limited.  Before government handouts and bailouts, when a man's word was his bond and children really had manners, and would have never in their wildest dreams been disrespectful at home or at school.

All I can tell you is get over it!!  Learn to live on what you earn and stop expecting others to pay for the choices you make.  Learn how to act like a family and a neighbor, because when it all goes bad, those are the people you can count on.  The small towns like where I live will ban together and help each other and we'll grow our own food and hunt our on meat.  Oh, and we'll defend it and this country with every last breath in our body.


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