
     Anyone who has read this blog, knows that I have a history with snakes.  Starting in my childhood days I have had various encounters with snakes of all types and sizes.
     The other day I went to the kitchen to get a glass of tea and when I turned around there it was!! My heart raced as I tried to find something on that side of the kitchen to kill it with.  The only thing lethal that I saw was a sauce pan!! So I grabbed it and proceeded to wack the snake in the head. I then swept it up in the dust pan and took it outside.  My youngest son was in the area so he came by to make sure I was ok and to see what kind of snake it was.  He said it was just a little corn snake and picked it up and showed me the differences between it and a copperhead. Got to love kids who know their snakes. I am not sure how he got in the house, but trust me I have no intentions of sharing my house with creepy crawlers of any kind.  


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