Immigration Hault

     What's wrong with stopping immigration for a few months so we can figure out who is here legally and who isn't?  It just makes good sense for the safety and security of our country and our people.  Living in this country is a privilege not a right.  People who truly want to come here should do it through the proper channels.

     Refugees can be helped better by raising money and working with their home countries than bringing them here.  When we take those types of actions they are able to live in their homeland and practice their beliefs without infringing on ours.  If you bring people here who don't really want to be here they are not going to make efforts to become Americans.

     We may all have immigrant blood in us but we are Americans First!  Our focus should be on doing what is right to preserve our country and our way of life.  I personally do not want any part of Socialism!  Those who do should find themselves a Socialist county and move there.  I want our borders secured.   I want the people who are here illegally to either register to be here or be deported.  There has got to be a way for the people who are here illegally to register with the state department and either work toward citizenship or a work visa so they can return back home.      


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