Women March Why?

Tell me why women all over the world are marching? Some say it's over control of their bodies. Others say it's for equality, then there are those who say we don't have a legitimate President. They have all given up their dignity, morals, and validity to even be heard.  These women do not speak for me, or for the majority of women that I associate with.

The real women of this country were heard on November of 2016 when we went to the voting booth and voted in Donald Trump as our President.  I have a hard time believing the disgraceful behavior of the democratic party. You put forth a bad choice for people to vote for, therefore you lost. Russia did not cast my vote or the votes of my friends and family.  This is the very reason that we have the Electoral College.  With the exception of a few states Trump won the popular vote giving him the votes needed to win the Electoral College.  It is the way our Government works. You don't like it move to a country that is more in line with your views.

Since when does the government control your choices of sexual behavior. Just because you choose to spread your legs and get  pregnant doesn't mean I should have to pay for you to have an abortion, I didn't make the choice to have unprotected sex you did.  As for equality I have fought for it most of my life in a responsible way. Not only have I worked for equal pay but I have participated in sports that were predominately male. I want our President to succeed.  I want our Country to be respected again.   I want a freeze on immigration until we are sure that everyone here is here legally.  I want medical services based on your income and the type of insurance that you need.


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