Respect and Discipline

I was watching our local news a couple of nights ago and one of the leading stories was about the fighting and discipline at a local High School.  It seems that parents are not being informed fast enough on school wide issues. Disciplinary rules and actions of administrators have been the topic of  school board meetings for the last few months.

One of the board members was saying they had to get these problems under control. That staff should not be in fear of reporting these incidents. She also stated the schools should be able to remove unruly students.

My opinion is that respect and discipline starts at home while children are still toddlers.  There is a line between discipline and abuse we must be careful not to cross.  However it is our job as parents and grandparents to give children a wall of authority at home.  Children need to learn at home that there are consequences for their actions.  Parents should not fear losing their children while trying to teach them how to behave respectfully.  Teachers should not fear their students. Fellow students should not fear their classmates.  The only way to fix this is one home at a time.

 Parents need to go back to being parents!  Teachers and other well meaning people need to stay out of a family's business.  In other words if you see a toddler or a child throwing a screaming tantrum in a store and the mamma or daddy reprimands that child, mind your own business. Don't go calling the police or getting their tag number so you can call DHR. Let parents be parents!  The same goes for the schools get all the facts before you stick your nose in someone else's business. If you can't correct children at home and teachers can't correct them at school, they will continue to fill the jail cells across this land.


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