Romance Scams

A couple of months ago I posted a comment on Facebook and a man said I agree with you and I would like to talk to you. I thought it was harmless enough so I talked to him for a few days only to find out he was impersonating a soldier. I blocked him and was telling a friend of mine about it and she said it was common for people to do that. Then we got to joking around about dating sites. Keep in mind that I have been married three times once to a young man who was in the army and had just came home from Vietnam, had I know then what i know now that would have been the only time I got married. Then I married a very abusive man, after that divorce I stayed single until all my children were grown with families of their own.  Then I married a man who had served in Vietnam in the Marine Corps. We were married for several years but our priorities of life were just to different for things to work.  As I was once told I am stubborn, hard headed, opinionated and the list goes on to be married.  My point is that I am no stranger to the military and how parts of it work.

Armed with this knowledge and my friends helpful hints on how to spot a scammer I signed up on a dating site.  Oh my goodness!  The first man I talked to was another military impostor  I am not going to tell you how I figured it out because scammers also surf the web looking for ways to improve their skills.  I will tell you to ask smart little questions that any red blooded American should know. Watch how their grammar goes together, only so much can be attributed to spell check.  Over the last few weeks most of the men I chatted with were impostors. The last one who was impersonating a solider was really good. he almost had me.  Then he made some mistakes that a lifer wouldn't make. You also need to install reverse image on your device. Some of these people steal photo's from real soldiers. They even use photo's from magazine covers. Using reverse imaging helps to eliminate some of those. I even talked to a few locals, what a joke all they had on their mind was sex.  Also keep in mind that if you are talking to some of these people they should not be asking you for money for any reason.  Trust me he isn't on a secrete mission and needing money.  A real soldier isn't going to tell you he is on a secrete mission even if he is. Please be careful I have removed my profile and am glad I did!


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