Easter Memories

I grew up poor. The only time we got new clothes were at the beginning of the school year and for Easter.  We only got to wear the new dress on Easter then it had to be put up until after Decoration.  Decoration is when you go to the grave yard and put fresh /new flowers on the graves in memory  of those you loved. Back then it was like a family reunion as most of the family would be there doing the same thing.  We would sometimes go to an Aunts house afterward for late lunch.

 I guess my point to this memory is that in today's world children don't appreciate the hard work and sacrifices that their parents make. They think they have to new clothes all the time and if they don't get the newest phone they throw fits or talk to their parents like they are awful people.  Maybe it's time for parents to take a step back and evaluate what is truly important.  I would rather live in a cheap house, drive a used car, and only have the necessities and have the luxury of being able to go ball games or just spend time with my family.  We have gotten so caught up in having "things" we have forgotten that the most important things in life are God, Family, and Country.  We have allowed the few to gain ground in taking away a lot of the freedoms that we enjoy here in this country.  Like the song says "You have to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything." Please don't be complainant reclaim your family.

I hope you have a wonderful day, go out and make some memories with your family!


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