Hunting Season....Use Caution

When I got up this morning there was a little chill in the air when I let the dog out.  As I stood there I thought about all the cool mornings I had spent in a deer stand. I didn't hunt like most people.  My husband had built several shooting houses on our property. My favorite was just a short walk from the house. From there I had some nice shooting lanes and could enjoy the quiet still of an early morning.  There is nothing like being in the woods as the sun comes up and the creatures start coming to life.  I have enjoyed things some never see, like a buck with frost still on his back and the steam coming from his nostrils, what a magnificent site. I've also watched as a red tailed hawk swooped down and picked up a squirrel for his meal.  As these wonderful memories came flooding back I also remember just how dangerous it can be to hunt.

Early season bow hunters need to stay mindful of where they put there feet. There are still venomous snakes out.  Also in some areas you have to deal with feral hogs, please also carry your pistol. There is also the risk of running into bear! Most states have a bear season that runs concurrent with deer season just in case you run across on please have proper tags so you don't get in trouble if you kill him.   Use caution climbing in and out of your stands, remember bow hunters have died over careless handling of their equipment.  Be sure you tell someone where you are hunting and what time you will be back.  Yeah, I know you have a cell phone, but if you are hanging upside down and your phone is on the ground, what good is it.

  Be safe and have a great season!!


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